Your Community Newspaper

Bringing you local stories, Ads and events.


Subscribers: The online issue for September 12th is available
Non-subscribers: Headlines and ads will be updated in the late morning
  • Head-On Collision Leaves Two Seriously Injured

    A head-on collision Sunday afternoon resulted in the drivers of both vehicles being seriously injured.

    The collision occurred Sunday afternoon around 3 p.m.

    Bisbee Police said prior to the head-on collision there were multiple reports of a vehicle matching the description of the silver Hyundai Elantra involved in the collision, driving erratically on Highway 80 then onto the traffic Circle…….read full story (online subscribers only)

  • Disorderly Call Leads To Man Hospitalized With Neck Lacerations

    A local man is recovering from lacerations to his neck after being involved in a fight on Brewery Gulch Monday night. Bisbee Police have confirmed they were called to the Gulch at 9:53 p.m. for the fight.

    Police confirmed when they arrived they found a man on the Gulch bleeding from the neck. Bisbee fire was called and transported the man to Copper Queen Community Hospital for treatment of his injuries. The man was later transported to a Tucson hospital due to the seriousness of his injuries.

    The man told police he is not sure how the lacerations to his neck happened. The man told police he was involved in a fight and then remembers falling. The man provided the first name of a man who he believed he was involved in altercation with…….read full story (online subscribers only)

Welcome To The Bisbee Observer Newspaper Website

The Bisbee Observer serves an area of more than 10,000 residents in the communities of Bisbee, Douglas, Naco, McNeal, Double Adobe, and Palominas / Hereford, Sierra Vista, in Southern Arizona.

The Bisbee Observer is the community newspaper and has been published since 1985.

The Bisbee Observer is the Official Newspaper of Record for the City of Bisbee.

The Bisbee Observer is published every Thursday, by Laura Swan and is available at many locations in Bisbee and the surrounding area. The Bisbee Observer is sent to subscribers second class paid postage at Bisbee, AZ.

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