Your Community Newspaper

Bringing you local stories, Ads and events.


Subscribers: The online issue for September 12th is available
Non-subscribers: Headlines and ads will be updated in the late morning
  • Mayor Concerned Food Tax Bill Will Hurt Bisbee

    Bisbee Mayor Ken Budge is fighting a current house bill that could potently have a negative impact on Bisbee budget forcing the city to extensively cut services.

    House Bill 2021 proposes an amendment to the Arizona Revised Statutes concerning the municipal transaction privilege taxation of food items. The bill establishes that after June 30, 2027, the sale of food items would be exempt from sales tax.

    HCR-2021, would go to the voters asking the question whether to do away with any local government tax on food. Mayor Budge said the concern is voters in big cities that currently do not have a food tax would be making the decision for smaller communities like Bisbee, Siera Vista and Douglas that rely on the food tax for revenues to operate…….read full story (online subscribers only)

  • Camp Naco Project Celebrates Milestone

    Last week marked a milestone in the progression at the Camp Naco Project site. A celebratory groundbreaking was held as the project enters into the rehabilitation construction phase.

    Durazo Construction who was recently awarded a $2,181,000 contract for the site development work at the project site, took part in the groundbreaking celebration along with Camp Naco Project Members, City of Bisbee officials, the Naco Heritage Alliance as well as local and state representatives for the important event.

    Bisbee City Manager Stephen Pauken said he was proud of the progress and the supporters like Rebecca Orozco, NHA Community Liaison who pushed for the project for a long time. “We have great partnerships that have been instrumental in moving the project forward.”……read full story (online subscribers only)

Welcome To The Bisbee Observer Newspaper Website

The Bisbee Observer serves an area of more than 10,000 residents in the communities of Bisbee, Douglas, Naco, McNeal, Double Adobe, and Palominas / Hereford, Sierra Vista, in Southern Arizona.

The Bisbee Observer is the community newspaper and has been published since 1985.

The Bisbee Observer is the Official Newspaper of Record for the City of Bisbee.

The Bisbee Observer is published every Thursday, by Laura Swan and is available at many locations in Bisbee and the surrounding area. The Bisbee Observer is sent to subscribers second class paid postage at Bisbee, AZ.

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